VINTAGES PRODUCED: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
An aromatic amplitude streamlined by a juicy and dynamic sip: the keyword is balance.

Petrara looks like an evolved wine, with an important maturation; the grapes it comes from are South facing and enjoy therefore a greater exposure to sunlight.
Verdicchio Di Matelica Doc
Located in the heart of the winery, it is a 20-years-old vineyard covering almost 20 hectares at an average altitude of 350 meters above sea-level.
The vineyard is mainly composed by the native Verdicchio and varieties such as Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Lacrima. Soils are mainly clay-calcareous.

Representing the most ancient one for the winery, it is a 35-years-old vineyard covering almost 9 hectares at an average altitude of 400 meters above sea-level. The vineyard is mainly composed by the native Verdicchio and varieties such as Sangiovese and Montepulciano. Soils are mainly clay-calcareous.