Jera Verdicchio di Matelica Docg
Jera represents our top-of-the-range product: the etymology of its name derives from the runic alphabet, i.e. the alphabet used by the ancient Germanic populations. Jera, the runic character for the Latin letters "J" e "Y", means "harvest", "cyclical change", "year" ed is therefore a favorable rune that heralds positive changes. It leads to maturity and the certainty of being able to reap the fruits of what was sown over the course of a year of hard work and hard work. Jera represents the expression of the evolutionary potential of Verdicchio di Matelica being a wine inclined to ageing, supported by the typical acidity of the vine it belongs to.
Soil type: clayey-limestone
Grape variety and blend: Verdicchio 100%
Grape yield per hectare: 80 quintals/ha
Harvest period: mid-October
Refinement: 18 months in stainless steel tanks and 8 months in the bottle
Jera represents our top level product: the etymology of the name derives from the runic alphabet, which is the alphabet used by ancient Germanic populations. Jera, the runic alphabet character to indicate the Latin letters "J" and "Y", means "harvest", "cyclical change", "year" and is therefore a favorable rune that predicts positive changes. It leads to the maturation and the certainty that it will be possible to harvest the fruits of what sown in the course of a year of effort and hard work. Jera is the expression of the evolutionary potential of Verdicchio di Matelica, being a wine prone to ageing, supported by the acidity that is typical of the variety to which it belongs.
Soil typology: clay-calcareous
Grape variety: Verdicchio 100%
Grape yield per hectare: 80 quintals/ha
Time of harvest: mid-October
Aging: 18 months in stainless steel tanks and 8 months in bottles
Guide Slow Wine 2020: "Great wine" for Jera '15
Guide Gambero Rosso 2020: “Three Glasses” for Jera '15
DWWA 2017: gold medal for Jera '12
GuideThe wines of L'Espresso 2017: “100 wines to keep” for Jera'12
AIS guideVitae 2017: “4 screws” for Jera '12
GuideMerum 2017: “two hearts” for Jera '12
GuideVinibuoni d'Italia 2017: “4 stars” for Jera '12
Le Marche in the Glass 2017: diploma of excellence for Jera '12
IWC 2016: silver medal for Jera '11
GuideAIS Vitae 2016: “4 screws” for Jera '11
DWWA 2015: silver medal for Jera '11
GuideGambero Rosso 2015: “Three Glasses” for Jera '10
AWC Vienna 2015: silver medal for Jera '11
DWWA 2014: gold medal for Jera '10